Men and Women of Noble Character

Services & Facilities


Evangelization and Christian Formation Services
PCS aspires to develop integrally formed pupils and students in the person of Christ who will become responsible Catholics. Thus it focuses on the holistic development of the human life by experiencing a true Christian community. It is for this reason that the Center for Christian Formation (CCF) recognizes the need to strengthen Religion as the core of the curriculum to be potent means of evangelization and Christian formation.
Guidance and Counseling Services
The Guidance and Counseling Offices in both departments monitor the academic and behavioral performance of pupils. The Guidance Counselors provide counseling to both parents and pupils on instructional and behavioral concerns. The offices administer diagnostic, achievement and other specialized tests to all learners. Information and orientation highlights are also provided to new students and parents regarding the school’s on-going thrusts, institutional policies, and departmental curricular programs.
Prefect of Students Services
The Office of the Prefect of Students (OPS) deals with referred cases of misbehavior and other disciplinary problems of young children and teens. It undertakes initial investigation of cases referred and keeps records of cases for future reference. It monitors attendance and other policy requirements. It also issues exit slips to students with health problems and grants them admission following proper school procedures.
Library and Instructional Media Services
The Instructional Media Center or Library serves the intellectual and research activities of pupils, students and faculty. They are encouraged to avail of its services on assigned dates by following rules and regulations in borrowing, handling and returning books and other reference materials. An annual Book Fair is held where pupils can avail of educational and interactive materials such as books, magazines, toys, games and related items. Book exhibits are also sponsored to stimulate interest and utilization of new book acquisitions.
Medical and Dental Services
The School Clinic checks the medical and dental concerns of pupils, students, and personnel. A doctor and a dentist are always on hand to provide regular and periodic physical examination to pupils and students. They are ably assisted by nursing staffs who administer first aid to our clientele.
Registrar and Students' Records Services
The Registrar's Office keeps track of students' records and prepares all communications concerning school credentials of pupils and students. The Registrar supervises the building and storage retrieval, as well as the safety and confidentiality of student records.
Information Technology Services
The Management Information System Office provides the central information technology operations of the school. M.I.S. Office helps identify, select and evaluate technology solutions that will improve overall effectiveness and efficiency of school operations.
Promotions and Publications
The PPO supervises and coordinates the technical and operational detail of the School Annual, PCS Official Facebook Page, Alumni Page, School Website, and responsible for the publication and periodicals which the school may wish to publish. It is also in-charge of the facilitation of certificates, tarpaulin, billboard announcements and the like.
Physical Plant and Maintenance Services
The Physical Plant Administrator oversees the general technical supervision of the school plant and property, and monitors the structural condition of all the facilities.
Custodial Services
The Custodial Head supervises the utility personnel in maintaining the over-all cleanliness and orderliness of the school surroundings.
Security Services
An upgraded and state-of-the-art surveillance system placed on strategic locations of the campus with round-the-clock monitoring viewed via internet.
Dining and Food Services
The PCS Canteen helps provide affordable and well-balanced meals and nutritious snacks to the school community.
Public Address System
Strategic locations in entrances, exits, hallways, common areas, and major offices are installed with a large number of speakers in order to distribute and disseminate a message to the general public around the school campus. The major purpose is to read announcements or declare states of emergency.
Computer Laboratories
This facility enables the Grade School pupils and the High School students to develop skills and creativity in utilizing the different softwares used in computer education. The Laboratory provides hands-on experience on computer operations where they can operate by themselves in producing school requirements.
Science Laboratories
The Science teachers were able to develop their personally designed laboratory experiments and activities which they think will suit the needs and level of interest of the students. Some of these activities are used as motivation for getting the attention and interest of the students, especially in opening a new topic/concept in Science. Most of these activities/experiments make use of familiar or common materials in order for students to realize their importance in daily life activities. These also help the students be aware of some chemicals inside or outside the environment. The experiments are also designed to suggest further studies and experiments on similar concepts. Thereby, the analytical and scientific thinking skills of the students are developed. These could also help them realize the career they may want to pursue in the future.
Technology and Livelihood Laboratories
The Technology and Livelihood Economics (TLE) Laboratory aims to increase students’ capacity for social orientedness through knowledge and experience of various occupational opportunities and the development of occupational skills and proficiency. The laboratory also develops the ability to create new, artistic or useful things out of simple, inexpensive, ordinary, raw and local materials. The students can also develop personal and communal potential, e.g., sense of responsibility, leadership and team work, appreciation for work, and work values, spirit of generosity and service.
Audio Visual Room (Mary Seat of Wisdom Hall)
A multi-purpose hall equipped with multimedia and LCD projectors that serve as viewing and venue for extra class activities, meetings, demonstrations, programs and recollections. The Parish community and other schools can also avail the use of this facility through proper permission and clearance from the school administration in-charge.
The multi-gym is located at the 5th floor of Sta. Marta building where academic, spiritual and recreational activities are held.
Azotea de Teresita
A vista of coolness, Azotea de Teresita adds beauty and grace to the school grounds which serves as an interactive venue for student activities, meetings, conferences and programs.
The construction of the tensile fabric structure in the quadrangle ensured the PCS community a roof under the heat of the sun and the drizzle of the rain for socio-cultural, physical and religious activities of the school.
Comfort Rooms
Comfort Rooms of both the Grade School and the High School Departments are strategically located in the different floors of the buildings to provide the school constituents a clean and sanitary area for personal comfort and necessities.