Men and Women of Noble Character

Preschool and Grade School
Grade School education aims to develop its students in the following aspects:
The Preschool Department Objectives:
1. Present models for invitation that will make the child see GOD as a Father and all people and things around him as gifts.
2. Employs learning experiences that will allow him to think and do things independently within the limits of his maturity.
3. Provide opportunities that will inspire him to practice desirable social behavior in his relation with other children as well as adults.
4. Provide learning opportunities that will allow him to manifest reading readiness in English & Filipino.
5. Use experiential approaches which will help him manifest psychomotor coordination for effective performance befitting his age.
6. Develop basic numeracy skills.
The Grade School Department Objectives:
1. To develop basic social, moral, and spiritual values.
Indicators of Attainment:
a. Ability to work cooperatively with others in the home and in school
b. Obedience to parents, teachers and other persons in authority
c. Honesty and sincerity in speech and actions
d. Active participation in Eucharistic celebrations and other religious activities.
2. To support love for learning and effective study skills.
Indicators of Attainment:
a. Mastery of basic skills in science and mathematics
b. Increased levels of reading comprehension skills
c. Confidence and proficiency in expressing one’s self in English and Filipino
d. Self-reliance, critical thinking and creativity in performing learning tasks
3. To promote good physical and mental health.
Indicators of Attainment:
a. Mindfulness on matters of food and nutrition, proper hygiene, and good grooming
b. Maintaining proper body mechanics in executing sports and physical fitness skills
c. Acceptance of changing conditions and learning from past experiences
d. Refinement in speech and manners in conducting one’s self in any kind of gathering
4. To enhance compassion for the poor and suffering.
Indicators of Attainment:
a. Understanding of the meaning of life as shown through habits of simplicity, industry, and thrift
b. Generosity in giving help to the needy
c. Respect for the dignity of persons especially the handicapped and the disadvantaged
d. Active participation in campaigns for the care and protection of the environment